All Notes and Solutions-Class 9-Social Science-28 Chapters-MSBSHSE-Rs-175


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Year -2022-23

Class – 9th

Product -Notes + Exercise Solutions (Set) 


Subject – History-Political Science-Geography

Chapters : History 1 to 10, Political Sci. 1 to 6, Geography – 1 to 12

Price Rs.175

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Chapter Name-History-Class-9
Chapter 1: Sources of History
Chapter 2: India : Events after 1960
Chapter 3: India’s Internal Challenges
Chapter 4: Economic Development
Chapter 5: Education
Chapter 6: Empowerment of Women and other weaker sections
Chapter 7: Science and Technology
Chapter 8: Industry and Trade
Chapter 9: Changing Life : 1
Chapter 10: Changing Life : 2
Chapter Name-Political Science-Class-9
Chapter 1: Post World War Political Developments
Chapter 2. India’s Foreign Policy 
Chapter 3. India’s Defence System
Chapter 4. The United Nations
Chapter 5. India and Other Countries
Chapter 6. International Problems
Chapter Name-Geography-Class-9
Chapter 1: Distributional Maps
Chapter 2: Endogenetic Movements
Chapter 3: Exogenetic Processes Part-1
Chapter 4: Exogenetic Processes Part-2
Chapter 5: Precipitation
Chapter 6: The Properties of Sea Water
Chapter 7: International Date Line
Chapter 8: Introduction to Economics
Chapter 9: Trade
Chapter 10: Urbanisation
Chapter 11: Transport and Communication
Chapter 12: Tourism


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